- Art, science and devotion in yoga
- Why do the beginners classes start with standing poses in Iyengar Yoga?
- Glory of yoga
- Yogashāstra: the end to human miseries
- Erudition from China - the standing āsana-s
- Impact of Guruji's China trip
- Impassioned expressions from the China India Yoga Summit
- Adorations from Chinese blogs
- Tai chi and yoga: interdependance between body mind, breath and qi (energy)
- Emotional homecoming
- Geetaji's South African convention
- Bellur marches ahead
- Second beginning
- Ode on perfection
- New Releases
- A preamble to the China India Yoga Summit
- Guruji's keynote address at the China India Yoga Summit
- What is yoga?
- Prāņāyāma: Stepping stone towards spiritual life
- Guruji answers questions on teachers, pupils & religion
- Unearthing the persona of Guruji
- Simple analogies to explain complex concepts
- The Great Mountain meets the Great Wall
- Sharing precious moments
- A touching adieu to China
- A genius in action
- Being a student in Guruji's first overseas public class
- From the archives: Daily Mail, June 16, 1961
- Be a sādhaka
- Yoga: A way of life
- Geetaji responds to queries on practice
- Guruji to visit China - June 2011
- An interview with Guruji on his trip to China
- Understanding brahmacharya in totality
- Learning at the feet of the Master
- Recurring themes in the yoga sūtra-s
- Going up into Adho Mukha Vŗkșāsana
- Atha Yoga Anushāsanam
- From 0 to 20,793 feet
- Do you find Sanskrit Difficult - Try English
- Yogacharya BKS Iyengar in conversation with His Holiness the Dalai Lama
- Samskāra - the deep impressions
- Tackling depression with yoga
- On reflection
- The depth and finesse of prāņāyāma
- Scientific study: Yoga improves mood
- Understanding asteya in totality
- Shai - A real life story of brain tumour and yoga
- Thus answers Patanjali - Sādhanā Pāda
- Why do we do what we do - II
- New release: Chittavijñāna of Yoga
- Kids Corner: Lord Shiva - creator or destroyer