- Guruji answers: How the concept of alignment evolved
- Guruji's quotes on balance
- Yogānushāsanam: Gems of wisdom on the discipline of yoga
- Pancha tattva: Five elements
- Key to balance in our practice
- Element-ary yoga
- Symmetry and space in an āsana: A perspective
- Ahimsa: Non-violence
- Facing traumatic situations
- Explaining yoga: Perspective of Rāmayana - Mahābhārata
- A hymn by Sage Patanjali in praise of Lord Shiva
- Union of head and heart
- Diwali bonus from RIMYI
- Mahāvratam of Ashtavakra
- Guruji's centenary celebrations
- New releases
- Prime Minister's award to RIMYI
- Our Tribute to Guruji
- Evolution and maturity in practice
- Balancing work, family and practice
- Nature of a karma yogi
- Yoga, where science meets spirituality
- Why Lord Menuhin called Guruji his best violin teacher?
- Tools for yoga
- The accidental yoga practitioner
- Teaching the tough marines
- On being unwell
- Yoga and a plastic surgeon
- Improving the quality of life of prisoners with yoga
- Yoga and climbing
- A touch of Iyengar yoga in physiotherapy
- Relieved from prostate cancer with Iyengar yoga
- The essence of asana and prānāyāma practice
- Yoga practice for the elderly in the absence of props
- Āsana of the body, mind and beyond
- The pancha mahābhūta
- Prashnayantra on the bones
- Bones: The element of earth
- Bhūtajaya - conquest of the elements
- Proprioception: The sixth sense
- Freedom to move: Case report on ankylosing spondylitis
- Yogāsanas for bone strength
- Yoga for osteoporosis: Results from a pilot study
- Summary of research studies on Iyengar yoga and skeleto-muscular system
- Guruji's āsanas
- Yogic Culture
- Yogsādhana: A culture of civilisation
- Changing life with practice
- Quotable quotes by Guruji on yogic culture
- Yoga and women: In our tradition
- From yog to yogaaaa: Yoga: then and now
- Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India on UNESCO declaration
- UNESCO: yoga an intangible cultural heritage of humanity
- Iyengar Yoga at UNESCO
- An interview with the Ambassador of India to UNESCO
- Yoga: An Indic culture
- Eternal wisdom of Guruji's teachings
- A four-day journey from outside inwards
- Cell to Self culture
- Time to ponder: Who inspired our yogis?