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  References > Yoga Rahasya > 2024  
Volume 30, No 3 Volume 30, No 2
Yoga Rahasya Yoga Rahasya
  • Guruji on the early days with his Guru: An interview
  • A great Guru and his great Siśya
  • Bhagavad Gītā Chapter 1 Part 2: prakṛti dharma
  • Body: a clothing to the soul
  • Prashantji's 75th birthday celebration
  • Class with Prashantji
  • From a surgeon to a siśya
  • If I were the breath
  • Inscriptions & impressions of Prashantji’s education
  • Guru tattva
  • Defying age and creating sporting history
  • Atha Yogānuśāsanam
  • A vist to Bellur Iyengar Yoga Centre
  • New Release: My Life My Words
  • Coping with pain
  • Coping with fear while teaching yoga
  • Art of relaxation - Śavāsana
  • Stress in modern life
  • Physiology, psychology and psychoanatomy
  • Coping with anxiety in young adults
  • Śavāsana on the operating table
  • Anxiety during pregnancy - Role of Iyengar Yoga
  • Iyengar Yoga at the National Defence Academy
  • Trauma of terror - the role of yoga
  • Teaching yoga to combat marines
  • Yoga in the times of conflict
  • Words of wisdom from Sunitaji
  • Obituary : Sri Ashwin Dani
Yoga Rahasya in the year
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