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  References > Yoga Rahasya > 2000  
Volume 7, No.4 Volume 7, No.3 Volume 7, No.2 Volume 7, No.1
  • Something to ponder about: II
  • Complete schooling through asanas
  • Teaching the art of teaching
  • The basics of the science and art of teaching
  • Prashant-o-scope
  • Editorial: Offerings to Guruji on Guru Purnima
  • Importance of Yoga For Sports And Games
  • Astanga Yoga In An Asana
  • Sri Prashant Iyengar's Views and Advice
  • The Authentic Yoga
  • The Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the RIMYI
  • Guruji s Opening Address to the Teacher s attending the Special Course in January 2000
  • The Institute: Before and After
  • Reminisces of Amma
  • List of Publications / Videos / CD-ROMS: Released during The Silver Jubilee Celebrations
  • Special Days at the RIMYI
  • An Introduction to the Activities of RIMYI
  • Coming Home
  • The Growth of RIMYI
  • The Library At RIMYI
Yoga Rahasya in the year
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