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  References > Yoga Rahasya > 2007  
Volume 14, No.4 Volume 14, No.3 Volume 14, No.2 Volume 14, No.1
  • Ramaa: The Light of my Life
    -- Yogacharya B K S. Iyengar
  • Reminisces of my mother-- Geeta S. Iyengar
  • My Mother: My yoga teacher - An Interview--Prashant S. Iyengar
  • In memory of Smt.Ramamani: The Mother Supreme-- Srinivas Badaryan
  • From a non-entity to becoming one of the 100 most influential men in the world
  • Amma-An employer or mother Memories of a great soul-- Dhan Palkhivala
  • Amma-My first pranayama teacher--Colly Dastoor
  • Ramaa - The light of Guruji s life-- Freny Motiwala
  • The quiet & silent presence of Smt. Ramamani-- Noelle Perez-Christiaens
  • The Iyengar household in 1971-- Agnes Mineur
  • Sympathies Pour In
  • My journey from an abhyasin to a Guru
    --B.K.S Iyengar
  • Quick questions to Guruji on a Guru and a philosopher
  • Stabilizing Parkinsons Disease
    --B.K.S Iyengar
  • A Prelude to the IYNAUS Convention
    --Marla Apt
  • Penetrating from the Annamaya to the Anandmaya Kosha
    --Ricahrd Jonas
  • Scientific evidence on the benefits of practicing Iyengar Yoga
  • --Rajvi H Mehta
  • Iyengar Yoga improves heart rate variability parameters
  • --Kersten Khattab
  • Yoga: A gem for women
    --Shilpa Chandgude
  • A new life: A Rebirth
    ----Shai Kaplan
  • Medical Camp at Bellur
  • Goodbye Angela
  • Removal of the veil of ignorance and arrogance
  • --Yogacharya B K S. Iyengar
  • Introducing yoga to children
  • -- Yogacharya B K S. Iyengar
  • Yoga curriculum for school children
  • -- Yogacharya B K S. Iyengar
  • Revealing the qualities of yoga to children
  • -- Sri Prashant S. Iyengar
  • Hints of teaching yoga to children with special needs
    -- Ms Art H. Mehta
  • Combining Iyengar yoga in treating children with emotional problems
    -- Ms Hagit Shifroni
  • Traditional stories on yama and niyama
    -- Ephrat Michelson & Hui Chun Mo
  • Following & disobeying yama & niyama
  • What the children of Bellur have to say
  • The winners from Bellur
  • New releases: Light on Bellur
  • Youth Interview Guruji
  • Some more memories from the past
  • -- Yogacharya B K S. Iyengar
  • The Art of teaching yoga to adolescents
  • -- Yogacharya B K S. Iyengar
  • Achieving Beauty, Brainpower and Personality through Yoga
  • -- Yogacharya B K S. Iyengar
  • Kripa - compassion
  • -- Yogacharya B K S. Iyengar
  • Hints on teaching those afflicted with addictions
  • -- Yogacharya B K S. Iyengar
  • Asanas to overcome inertia, lethargy & dullness
  • -- Smt Geeta S. Iyengar
  • Amazing facts about the human body & mind
  • -- Sri Prashant S. Iyengar
  • Yoga during adolescence
  • -- Ms. Firooza Razvi
  • Teaching Iyengar Yoga to teenagers in high school.
  • -- Ms Anastasia Yatras et al
  • A glimpse into yoga through the eyes of the adolescents
  • -- Ms Rajvi H Mehta
  • Living on the edge
  • -- Mr Raya U D
  • Impressions of teenaged students on yoga.
  • -- Mihir, Kreena & Krupa, Daanesh
  • Relearning to stand after falling from grace
  • -- Rajan & Pankaj
  • New release: Yogashastra - Tome 2
Yoga Rahasya in the year
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                            " Where does the need end and greed begin? Onse who knows this has a religious mind."