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Name János Nagy
Address Boldva , Boldva - 3794
Phone +36 70 257 9010
E-mail janosnagy71@gmail.com

Name Adrienn Kovács
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1144
Phone +36 70 428 2407
E-mail kovacsadrienn14@gmail.com

Name Anna Romány
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1112
Phone +36 30 951 0383
E-mail romany58@gmail.com

Name Beáta Harkay
Institute Budayoga
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1037
Phone +36 20 204 2233
E-mail beata.harkay@gmail.com
Website budayoga.hu

Name Dorka Gero
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1116
E-mail gdorka@yahoo.co.uk

Name Edina Papp
Institute Ajna Jóga- és Mozgásstúdió
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1126
Phone +36 20 414 3759
E-mail edajne13@gmail.com
Website www.ajnajoga.hu

Name Erika Répássy
Institute Amrita Jógaközpont
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1111
Phone +36 20 555 4167
E-mail info@iyengarjogabudapest.hu
Website www.iyengarjogabudapest.hu

Name Éva Varga
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1118
Phone +36 30 850 2033
E-mail jantra.evajoga@gmail.com

Name Gabriella Bartsch
Institute Darshan Jóga Stúdió
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1223
Phone +36 20 421 8464
E-mail b.gabriella@jogadarshan.hu
Website jogadarshan.hu

Name Hajnal Gluscevic
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1149
Phone +36 30 265 2031
E-mail gluscevic.hajnal@gmail.com

Name Hajnalka Sárig
Institute Gold Center
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1117
Phone +36 20 410 7493
E-mail sarig.hajni@gmail.com
Website www.goldcenter.hu

Name István Drimál
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1119
Phone +36 30 535 0878
E-mail istvandrimal@gmail.com

Name Izabella Kovács
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1047
Phone +36 20 348 0179
E-mail kovacs.izabella@gmail.com

Name Judit Juhász
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1086
Phone +36 30 392 4244
E-mail juhasz.jjudit@yahoo.com

Name Kata Ábrahám
Institute AUM Jógaközpont
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1075
Phone +36 30 686 3594
E-mail kata@aum.hu
Website aumjoga.hu

Name Katalin Varga
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1117
Phone +36 20 910 5473
E-mail vkata9@gmail.com

Name Kevin Gardiner
Institute Amrita Jógaközpont
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1111
Phone +36 20 977 3919
E-mail kevingyogi@aol.com
Website www.kevingardiner.net

Name László Trapp
Institute Antaranga Jógaközpont
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1163
Phone +36 20 481 0660
E-mail laszlotrapp@gmail.com
Website antarangajoga.hu

Name Mária Tibai
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1037
Phone +36 70 626 9980
E-mail tiszam@indamail.hu

Name Mária Tolner
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1221
Phone +36 30 852 7896
E-mail tolner.maria@gmail.com

Name Melinda Irtl
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1026
Phone +36 70 317 1423
E-mail melindairtl@gmail.com

Name Mónika Veres
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1111
Phone +36 20 986 2737
E-mail veresmoni73@gmail.com

Name Péter Miklós Kraszna
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1046
Phone +36 70 321 0193
E-mail krasznapetermiklos@gmail.com

Name Sándor Szász
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1086
Phone +36 20 238 8169
E-mail szsandorr@yahoo.com

Name Ujj Sándor
Phone 00-40751044556
E-mail zoleeon@yahoo.com

Name Zsuzsanna Cseh
Institute Aum Jógaközpont Buda
Address Budapest , Budapest - 1025
Phone +36 70 271 1047
E-mail csehzsuzsanna@yahoo.com
Website buda.aumjoga.hu

Name Domokos Péter
Institute Dharma Jóga Stúdió
Address Dunaújváros , Dunaújváros - 2400
Phone +36 20 529 2934
E-mail peterdoma74@gmail.com
Website www.joga-pilates.hu

Name Melinda Lombos
Institute Dharma Jóga Stúdió
Address Dunaújváros , Dunaújváros - 2400
Phone +36 20 913 9959
E-mail lombosmelinda@gmail.com
Website www.joga-pilates.hu

Name Erzsébet Csendes
Institute Iyengar Jóga Stúdió
Address Eger , Eger - 3300
Phone +36 30 409 8347
E-mail cs.e@iyengar-joga.hu
Website www.iyengar-joga.hu

Name Gábor Wágner
Address Eger , Eger - 3300
Phone +36 20 354 7150
E-mail wjr71@hotmail.com

Name Mónika Bodolai
Address Felsotárkány , Felsotárkány - 3324
Phone +36 30 654 0084
E-mail bodolai.monika@gmail.com

Name Erika Örlos
Institute JógaStúdió Gyömro
Address Gyömro , Gyömro - 2230
Phone +36 30 992 7527
E-mail info@jogagyomro.hu
Website www. jogagyomro.hu

Name Ildikó Ábrahám
Address Gyor , Gyor - 9011
Phone +36 30 300 1255
E-mail abrahamildi@gmail.com

Name Ildikó Bodolósz
Address Maklár , Maklár - 3397
Phone +36 30 719 7442
E-mail bodoloszildiko1@gmail.com

Name Marianna Kristóf
Institute Mandala jógastúdió
Address Miskolc , Miskolc - 3535
Phone +36 30 207 9317
E-mail yogamari2@gmail.com

Name Katalin Richter
Institute Nagykovácsi Jógaterem
Address Nagykovácsi , Nagykovácsi - 2094
Phone +36 20 957 3938
E-mail richterkati1@gmail.com
Website www.jogaterem.hu

Name Tihamér Tóth
Institute Mézes Jóga
Address Páty , Páty - 2071
Phone +36 30 932 3256
E-mail tihamer.toth@gmail.com
Website mezesjoga.blogspot.hu/

Name Ágota Selmeciné Bogdán
Institute Ahimsza Jógaközpont
Address Veszprém , Veszprém - 8200
Phone +36 30 649 4055
E-mail yoga@yoga.hu
Website www.ahimszajoga.hu

Name József Csongor Selmeci
Institute Ahimsza Jógaközpont
Address Veszprém , Veszprém - 8200
Phone +36 30 237 0838
E-mail yoga@yoga.hu
Website www.ahimszajoga.hu

Name Mária Erzsébet Harcz
Address Zalakaros , Zalakaros - 8749
Phone +36 30 283 8282
E-mail harczmaria@gmail.com


Note: Only the teachers listed here are recognized and permitted to teach by the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, Pune. For verification of teachers in Mumbai and Pune, contact info@bksiyengar.com

Please be wary of those who make 'false claims' of being Iyengar Yoga teachers.