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Name Widauer, Veronika
Address 6850 Dornbirn , Dornbirn
Phone +43 680 2179186
E-mail oniwi@yahoo.de

Name Grossegger, Eveline
Address 9853 Gmünd , Gmünd
Phone +43 664 1067100
E-mail eveline.grossegger@aon.at

Name Ranacher, Daniela
Institute Iyengar Yoga West
Address 6845 Hohenems , Hohenems
Phone +43 664 1410162
E-mail daniela@iyengar-yoga-west.at
Website www.iyengar-yoga-west.at

Name Längst, Marco
Address 6020 Innsbruck , Innsbruck
Phone +43 677 62030985
E-mail marco@yoga-in-innsbruck.at
Website www.yoga-in-innsbruck.at/

Name Rogl-Steininger, Silke
Address 2111 Kleinrötz , Kleinrötz
Phone +43 699 1047 1046
E-mail silke@dieyogalehrerin.at
Website www.dieyogalehrerin.at

Name Weinzerl, Magdalena
Address 8961 Kleinsölk , Kleinsölk
Phone +43 664 2429398
E-mail magdalena.weinzerl@gmail.com
Website www.iyengaryogaennstal.com

Name Menke, Susanne
Address 6923 Lauterach , Lauterach
Phone +43 680 2170855
E-mail susanne@seeyoga.eu
Website www.seeyoga.eu/

Name Blühdorn, Annette
Address 9872 Millstatt am See , Millstatt am See
Phone +43 664 2836888
E-mail info@yoga-weinleiten.at
Website www.yoga-weinleiten.at/

Name Hillebrand, Andrea
Address 5300 Salzburg , Salzburg
Phone +43 650 2629326
E-mail andreahillebrand@web.de

Name Rehrl, Gerhard
Address 5020 Salzburg, Zillnerstraße 10 , Salzburg
Phone +43 664 2172623
E-mail gerhard@myveda.at
Website www.dasyogahaus.at/

Name Sellers, Sabina
Address 5020 Salzburg, Zillnerstraße 10 , Salzburg
Phone +43 664 4935387
E-mail info@dasyogahaus.at
Website www.dasyogahaus.at/

Name Ebner, Claudia
Address 9300 St. Veit a.d. Glan , St. Veit a.d. Glan
Phone +43 664 805216260
E-mail ccebner@aol.com

Name María Magdalena Álvarez Palma
Institute N.A.
Address Online y Presencial en Viena, Austria , Viena
Phone +56 9 92187042 / +43 676 570 66 56
E-mail magdalena.alvarezpalma@gmail.com
Website Sin información

Name María Magdalena Álvarez Palma
Institute N.A.
Address Online y Presencial en Viena, Austria , Viena
Phone +56 9 92187042 / +43 676 570 66 56
E-mail magdalena.alvarezpalma@gmail.com
Website Sin información

Name Jane Cote-Polz
Address , Vienna
Website janecotepolz.squarespace.com

Name Beikzadeh, Farnaz
Phone +43 699 101 95472
E-mail fb@dana-yoga.com
Website www.dana-yoga.com

Name Birkhan, Ines
Phone +43 699 11329774
E-mail ines.birkhan@gmail.com
Website iyengaryogavienna.blogspot.co.at/

Name Böhm, Claudia
Institute Iyengar Yoga Vienna
Address 1070 Wien, Hermanngasse 18 , Wien
Phone +43 677 616 068 08 +49 176 82185227
E-mail yogamitte@googlemail.com
Website www.iyengaryoga.at

Name Cote-Polz, Jane
Institute Iyengar Yoga Vienna
Address 1010 Wien, Bösendorferstraße 9/3 , Wien
Phone +43 664 2109140
E-mail janecote@gmail.com

Name Czobanowa, Zulieta
Phone +43 677 637 593 78
E-mail zulietayoga@gmail.com
Website m.facebook.com/zulietayoga/

Name Heitzlhofer, Theresa
Institute Iyengar Yoga Vienna
Address 1070 Wien, Hermanngasse 18 , Wien
Phone +43 650 8249420
E-mail theresa.res@gmx.at
Website www.iyengaryoga.at

Name Hochmeister, Christian
Address 1070 Wien, Hermanngasse 18 , Wien
Phone +43 664 6647376
E-mail cs.hochmeister@gmx.at
Website www.iyengaryoga.at

Name Hochmeister, Hannes
Address 1070 Wien, Hermanngasse 18 1060 Wien, Lehargasse 1 , Wien
Phone +43 699 8125 1051
E-mail hannes.hochmeister@aon.at
Website www.iyengaryoga.at

Name Huber, Mariana
Institute Iyengar Yoga Vienna
Address 1070 Wien, Hermanngasse 18 , Wien
Phone +43 680 4449907
E-mail mariana-huber@hotmail.com
Website www.iyengaryoga.at

Name Langmeier, Alois
Institute Iyengar Yoga Vienna
Address 1070 Wien, Hermanngasse 18 , Wien
Phone +43 664 5290029
E-mail alois.langmeier@gmx.net
Website www.aloislangmeier.at

Name Liebhart Robert
E-mail robert.Liebhart@chello.at

Name Meir, Idan
Phone +43 0660 8235887
E-mail idanmeir@gmail.com

Name Melichar, Elisabeth
Address 1060 Wien, Lehargasse 1 , Wien
Phone +43 664 4246414
E-mail e.melichar@chello.at
Website www.elisabethmelichar.at

Name Müller-Funk, Sabine
Address 1060 Wien, Lehargasse 1 , Wien
Phone +43 650 5346263
E-mail sabine.muellerfunk@gmail.com
Website www.sabine.mueller-funk.com

Name Pichler, Elke
Institute Iyengar Yoga Vienna
Address 1070 Wien, Hermanngasse 18 , Wien
Phone +43 677 6160680
E-mail elke.pichler@iyengar.at
Website www.iyengaryoga.at

Name Pollack, Fabian
Address 1070 Wien, Hermanngasse 18 , Wien
Phone +43 0650 9301303
E-mail yogapollack@gmail.com
Website www.iyengaryoga.at

Name Reinartz, Laura
Institute Iyengar Yoga Vienna
Address 1070 Wien, Hermanngasse 18 , Wien
Phone +43 650 7078096
E-mail laiya.laura@posteo.net
Website iyengaryoga.at

Name Stea, Nicoletta
Institute Iyengar Yoga Vienna
Address 1070 Wien, Hermanngasse 18 , Wien
Phone +43 650 6701369
E-mail nicostea@gmail.com
Website www.iyengaryoga.at

Name Tatschl Jovita
E-mail jovita_susanna@yahoo.com

Name Uchida Go
E-mail go.go.uchida@gmail.com

Name Wachtel, Claudia
Phone +43 699 17161448
E-mail mail@claudia-yoga.at
Website www.claudia-yoga.at

Name Winkler, Veronika
Address 1070 Wien, Neubaugasse 7/II/33 , Wien
Phone +43 699 10110104
E-mail info@veronikawinkler.at
Website www.veronikawinkler.at

Name Wurzinger-Malburg Elisabeth
Phone +43 699 10110104
E-mail elisabeth.malburg@gmail.com


Note: Only the teachers listed here are recognized and permitted to teach by the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, Pune. For verification of teachers in Mumbai and Pune, contact info@bksiyengar.com

Please be wary of those who make 'false claims' of being Iyengar Yoga teachers.